Porter - Male Domestic Shorthair Mix

Status Available Age 1 yearSex Neutered MaleLooks Like OrangeHi there I m Porter I can be a little shy but if you decide to take me home with you I promise that you and I will become best friends All I need is a quiet enclosed space to adjust to my surroundings so that I can learn to trust you and love you. Then we ll be best buds forever -------------------Berkeley Humane (510) ---X 2700 Ninth Street Berkeley CA 94710 -X(at)------ -------------------Adoption Fees Cats over 7 years - 50 Cats 7 months to 7 years - 100 Cat pairs aged 6 months to 7 years - 125 Kittens 6 months and younger - 125 (Adoption fees include shots microchip spay or neuter felv fiv test flea control and worm treatment plus optional discounted pet insurance.)Adoption Hours Friday through Sunday 11am-5pm... More Info



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