Rae Anne Terrier - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Rae AnneGerman TerrierApproximate Birthdate 5 27 2016Weight (lbs) Sex FAdoption Fee 275.00We have adoption events every weekend at the PetCo in Chesterfield (1781 Clarkson Rd.) Saturdays from 11 to 5 and Sunday from 11 to 3. If you would like to adopt this pup please fill out an application on our website takeafriendhome.org. If we do not receive an application or email it is not guaranteed this pup will come to the adoption event.Rae Looks like her mom - Black and tan the breed she most resembles is a German Terrier Larger than a Min Pin much smaller than a Doberman. She will be a 35 to 40 pound Min Pin when she grows up. Bright attentive she would be a great girl to train. Wonderful with kids and any one who want to play she will be very happy with a canine companion.Spayed neutered micro-chipped all vaccines possible are current to date ready to go home if this is the one for you go to our website - takeafriendhome.org. Click on the link to the application complete and send. An application doesn t obligate you to adopt but - when approved this pup will be waiting for you.Housetrained That depends on you. Every dog has to learn a new routine in a new home. A fenced yard makes that much easier for you... but honestly if you don t go out with your new dog she or he won t know what you want. A crate and frequent trips out is a must for the first two weeks longer for a pup. A crate will enable your new dog to succeed. Housetraining tips are in your adoption packet. Adoption Fees We take cash (and we love it) credit cards and checks. As with all of our adoptions we know it is hard to get married on a blind date... even to a wonderful pup. We will take our dog back give a full refund in the first week. After 7 days we will take your puppy back and you can consider your adoption fee a tax deductible donation to a very appreciative organization. To hold a pup longer that the earliest possible delivery date we ask for a 50 non-refundable deposit.... More Info



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