Dottie - Female Shar Pei

Dottie is a 1 1 2 year old 40lb Shar Pei mix that we pulled from Detroit Animal Control back in December. She had a broken femur head and had surgery Jan. 18 she is doing wonderful now but the vet said that it could take up to 6 months to completely heal. Dottie is also deaf but has been learning some hand signal commands. She is being trained by Union Lake Pet Services Daycare and Training she will be in training from March 2nd thru March 11th and will not be available for showing until after this. They also offer to have a free training session with the new adopters to show them how to continue working with Dottie.Dottie is spayed micro-chipped and current on all her vaccines. Dottie will require a physical (chain link privacy) fenced in yard Please no children under the age of 8 must be at least 21 to adopt and live in the state of MI.If you would like to know more about Dottie or a pre-adopt form please contact her foster family at ---XX(at)---... More Info



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