Gaur Siddhartham Best Condos by Gaur Group

Gaur Group is a Best Way to Describe Gaur Siddhartham - Ghaziabad. It s Designed by Good technicians. In this Project Developing a Best Location Siddharth Vihar NH-24 Ghaziabad The Great Apartment is Very close to Noida City where many malls like GIP V3S Shipra DLF Wave Spice mall and also there which is very kind of amazing Shopping Complex. It s Spread across area about 40 Acres Township. It is Township with self sufficient infrastructure including Luxury Amenities including Residential space and Commercial Space Gaur Siddhartham Amenities is Clubhouse Swimming Pool Hospital Nursing Home International Schools Colleges Kid s Playing Area Parking Gym Banquet Hall High Tech Security 24 7 Hours RO Water Supply and Power Backup Supply etc.It is a great Combination of Flats and Plots. Gaur Siddhartham offering 2 BHK and 3 BHK Apartment having all facilities need it. It size varying from 895 Sq. Ft to 1375 Sq. Ft and Gaur Siddhartham starting Price from 40 Lac Onward for 2 BHK Flat. Gaur Siddhartham - Siddharth Vihar Ghaziabad which is Close to many Locations like DND FNG Expressway Noida Extension Nh-24 Indirapuram vaishali Metro Station ISBT Noida Expressway Greater Noida and Delhi NCR. Is Locality is good with Great Environment And great climate.



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