1956 Cadillac Kelsey-Hayes Sabre Wheel

Up for sale is a 1956 Cadillac Kelsey-Hayes Sabre wheel. This wheel is in excellent condition and makes pretty good looking driver since it has light pitting around the vanes along with some very light scratches. The only issue with this wheel is a blemish near the end it appears NOT to be road rash but seems to have been caused by something heavy dropping on it. Luckily given the way these newer versions of Sabre wheels have been constructed with the steel wheel immediately behind the Sabre chromed face this appears to be an easy fix. The part number is 39796 and the date stamp on the wheel s side says 56 (1956). My selling price of 250.00 (Cash) for this Sabre wheel is firm. Please bring the exact amount since chances are high I won t be able to make change. If interested please call me between 9AM - 8PM to schedule a time to meet. If you prefer to send an e-mail please put Sabre Wheel in subject line so I know it s not spam otherwise your e-mail will go unanswered.



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