820 West Avenue Bonita Springs FL 34134 (In Bonita Shores). One of the largest most distinguished homes offered in the boating and beach community of Bonita Shores located about a mile from Barefoot Beach and Bonita Beach Park. Spacious 2160 sqft. great room concept plan with towering vaulted ceilings and bright open spaces. Impressive Double French doors open to the west facing patio creating a serene SW Florida setting overlooking a natural pond and preserve complete with spectacular sunsets. Lot has a boat trailer and storage area and storage shed irrigation is permitted from pond. The 2017 renovations highlighted by the beautiful Chef s kitchen with level 5 granite countertops custom cabinetry stainless steel appliances walk-in pantry and double ovens. Additional upgrades include impact windows and doors complete master and guest bathroom remodels lighting and fan pkg ceramic tile floors in kitchen dining and baths and wood plank vinyl flooring in bedrooms and living room. New roof installed in 2017. Bonita Shores has no HOA fees For a minimal non-mandatory fee to gain Gulf access you can join the Shores Boating Club and enjoy the boat launch landing and dock on 3rd St. West. Also enjoy the clubhouse and picnic area.



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