Car audio installation only

Hello are looking for reasonable prices for Car audio installation and don t want to go to a shop and get bombarded with there crazy prices. Well then you found the place. We install single sin or double din radios wether you have gps or back up camera or the whole works we will get it out together for you. We install car door speakers tweeters and new wires if you need them. If you have some subs and amp or amps we do professional job with no shown wires. If you need secondary battery connected capcitors equilizers bass control knobs new battery terminals for the big 3 upgrade we can do that too. We also will do a custom job to your liking. Prices vary depending on vehicle make model and year. Depending on how much car audio equipment you have that needs to be installed we will give you one hell of a deal. So please call today at 6517067275 and 6517035218 to set up an appointment and to you the best price in the twin cities. Thanks have a blessed day



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