Pizzeria Pronto Outdoor Pizza Oven

Pizzacraft (Pizzeria Pronto) is proud to continue bringing pizza into people s homes so that they can make and share their favorite meal without waiting for a delivery boy and his cardboard box. We have the tools peels stones and even ovens to bring pizza making home. Pizzacraft Pizzeria Pronto Outdoor Pizza Oven Fast Easy and Delicious The Pizzeria Pronto will change pizza night forever It s lightweight portable and safe on any surface. It s incredibly easy to use. When turned on it reaches cooking temperatures of over 700 degrees Fahrenheit and cooks a pizza in only 5 minutes. (It can run for 2 hours on a 1 lb propane tank with an adapter.) This portable outdoor pizza oven is perfect for tailgating camping or your regular family pizza night. You will never order delivery again Black enamel-coated steel body Includes specifically-designed cordierite pizza stones thermometer matchless starter 48 in. gas hose and standard regulator for Type I fitting Heat-containing visor and stainless steel reflection plate. For use with standard 20 lb. liquid propane tank (not included). Taste the Difference Crispy Pizza Every Time Moisture vent at the top of the oven releases moisture from cooking and prevents sogginess. Cooks Pizza In Just 5 Minutes The Pizzeria Pronto reaches cooking temperatures of over 700 degrees Fahrenheit and cooks a pizza in only 5 minutes (It can run for 2 hours on a 1 lb propane tank with an adapter). Portable And Easy To Use Runs on propane and is incredibly portable. Perfect for tailgating camping picnics or catering events Special Features Dual-layer interlocking cordierite pizza stone with a heat-diffusing hollow core that ensures an evenly-baked crust while the reflective heat shield that redirects heat onto the top of the pizza cooking your toppings at the same rate as your crustMoisture vent at the top of the oven releases moisture from cooking and prevents sogginessReaches cooking temperatures of 700F and preheats in only 10 minutesCooks a pizza in 5 minutes and is immediately ready for another pizzaIncredibly portable and perfect for tailgating camping and picnicsRuns on propane



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