Looking for a Full Time Position

SummaryConscientious and engaged security and investigations professional with a decade of experience across multiple industries. Diligent worker known for on-time delivery attention to detail and ability to work calmly in stressful situations without losing cool. Employee Engagement Motivation and Morale Ingenious and creative Courageous Investigator Fast Learner Security and Surveillance Detail Oriented Experience Capital One Tigard OR 2015 to 2015Senior Operations Production Coordinator Branded DisputesInteract with customers merchants and proprietary technology systems to process customer card holder disputed fees review documentation TSIS IRIS Chordiant phone card holders and merchants. Empathetic and genuinely considerate customer service expert. Research information of disputes through completion to find the truth. Wells Fargo Beaverton ORLoss Prevention Specialist Collections 2014 to 2015...



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