1970 Chevrolet Monte Carlo

Stk 136 1970 Chevrolet Monte CarloPainted a beautiful Green with Tan vinyl top like new drivers outside mirror door handles are good drip rail molding like new Rocker Panel moldings are good front & rear bumpers are good grill is good window trim is good glass is good tail lights good head lights good emblems are good Rally rims trim rings center caps like new Goodyear Wrangler white letter tires are like new. Real eye catcher.Original green interior on a bench seat is good. Dark Green carpet like new. The black dash cap is new door panels good carbon fiber dash cluster Tach mounted in dash 3-Post steering wheel wrapped in black rubber newer kick panels black with speakers JVC stereo I-pod Pandora Factory A C & Heat Automatic on column factory seat belts front & rear remote drivers mirror package tray like new with dual speakers. Looks good inside. Visit our website at www.ecoastcc.com for more info.Powered by the original engine 350 hooked to a 350 transmission factory original intake and 4-barrel carb factory air cleaner factory A C & Heat power front disc brakes 10-bolt rear end with drum brakes power steering new dual exhaust with chrome tips. Runs and handles good. Visit our website at www.ecoastcc.com for more info.



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