Hot food Cook

Hot food Cook-Position Hot food Cook-Vacancy 1 -Work Hours 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week (Full-time) Permanent-Wage 17.00 20.00 per hours (depending on experience)-Benefit 10 days paid vacation per year Job Duties -Preparing ingredients and cook food items from the menu-Maintain inventory and record of food supplies and equipment-Make Bulgogi Japchae Kalbi Pork Cutlet Seafood Noodle Soup etc-Oversee kitchen operations.-Train kitchen helpers with advanced cooking skills-Clean kitchen and work area Job Requirements -Experience Minimum 2 3 years of cooking experience-Language English is required-Education Completion of Secondary School Job Application Submission -By Email banchanlangley(at) Mail 1125890 B.C.Ltd. dba Banchan Korean Bistro A160-20689 Willoughby Town Center Drive Langley Twp BC V2Y OX7



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