Lovely 2 bdrm condo in townhouse (Orleans)

More pictures available on request. (Or come and see it for yourselves ) 1250 plus gas water heater rental and electricity. Includes a reserved parking spot and free visitor parking. Includes snow plowing in the winter and lawn mowing in the summer. Peaceful A great opportunity to rent a lovely two-bedroom home in the Chapel Hill area of Orleans. Located in a quiet neighbourhood that doesn t see much traffic and down the street from a park with tennis volleyball and basketball courts as well as a play structure for little ones and some paths for evening walks.Beautiful Large windows let in lots of light even downstairs. Gas fireplace on the main floor to keep you cozy in the winter.Convenient The condominium is located less than a 5 minute-drive to the Jeanne d Arc highway exit and close to amenities and a gym. Very convenient location for bus-goers with a 35-minute commute to downtown and an express route 130 just 5 minutes outside the house. In the summer enjoy your proximity to a Dairy Queen only a 2-minute walk away.Efficient The ground-level condo is part of a townhouse format and comprises the main floor and basement levels. Much easier for moving in Middle unit means some relief to your hydro bill.Practical Never worry about disposal --- garbage day is whenever suits you with an enclosed waste area and free large object disposal for all residents. Main floor dining area kitchen powder room storage closet living roomBasement bedroom with closet laundry room linen closet storage room full bathroom master bedroom with triple-sized closet Flexible move-in date.Looking forward to hearing from you



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