1936 Ford Other Pickups Hot Rod

This show truck has less than 50 test-miles driven since the completion of the build. It all started w an original 1936 Henry Ford cab that was chopped just right sitting on top of a custom hand-built 1936 Ford frame w a hand-built bed including a 1936 Ford tailgate & bed pockets. The bodywork is simply outstanding throughout w a precise fit that only comes from untold hours of attention. The gloss black paint is ultra-deep and has a mirror-like finish w a super glossy shine that is second to none. The headlight cups were painted gloss black as well which looks fantastic. The bed is finished in a beautiful oak wood w stainless steel strips which really adds a touch of class. The decision was made to add a few old-school pinstripes which you can see quite well in the indoor photos. I think they added just the right touch and came out great. This gorgeous little pickup has the perfect stance which is of utmost importance and sits on powder-coated 16 wire-wheels w Ford script center caps wrapped w new Coker Classic white-wall tires.



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