Gorgeous home in Oregon in the Bergamont subdivision

Upscale ranch style home on nearly 1 full acre in Bergamont Main lvl features open flr plan w cathedral ceilings maple flrs 2 fireplaces chefs kitch w granite counters large island bar & SS appliances. Walkout to wraparound deck w panoramic views & gorgeous sunsets. Plush master bdrm w jetted tub fireplace & deck walkout. Guest suite & den. LL features 2 bedrms w full baths gas fireplace in floor radiant heat media area surround sound wet bar & walkout to a peaceful back yard setting. A great flr plan for guests & extended stays 4 car garage & loads of storage VRP 650K- 670K This property is offered by Dan Miller RE MAX PreferredFor more information please visit www.madcitydreamhomes.com listing 1777096-148-inverness-cir-oregon-wi-53575



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