2003 Ford F-150 XLT SuperCab 5.5-ft Box 4WD

Just arrived Another really nice Ford F150 XLT 4 door pick up truck. This truck is in really great condition and will be fully serviced before we sell it. It has all the Lariat options including premium sound cloth interior bed liner and cover etc We do take trades and we do finance. Check out all our inventory at www.akjsales.com Visit AKJ Auto Sales online at www.akjsales.com to see more pictures of this vehicle or call us at 508-295-3151 today to schedule your test drive. We have just started offering an optional LIFETIME POWERTRAIN WARRANTY available on most vehicles starting at a introductory price of just 899.00 for most vehicles. Ask your salesperson for further details Visit AKJ Auto Sales online at www.akjsales.com to see more pictures of this vehicle or call us at 508-295-3151 today to schedule your test drive. We have just started offering an optional LIFETIME POWERTRAIN WARRANTY available on most vehicles starting at a introductory price of just 899.00 for most vehicles. Ask your salesperson for further details



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