2012 Lexus RX 350

CARFAX 1-OWNER VEHICLE Clean Carfax - No Accidents Damage This 2012 Lexus RX350 Was Originally Purchased at McGrath Lexus Packages TO Towing Prep Pkg Transmission Cooler Heavy Duty Alternator Radiator (does not include ball mount) NV Navigation System LA Leather SR Power Sunroof HOM Heated Mirrors OT Power Trunk CISS Heated And Cooled Seats BC Backup Camera BT Blue Tooth Connectivity 6CD Changer. McGrath Lexus of Westmont is honored to present a wonderful example of pure vehicle design... this 2012 Lexus RX 350 only has 86 532 miles on it and could potentially be the vehicle of your dreams This is a well kept ONE-OWNER Lexus RX 350 with a full CARFAX history report. Off-road or on the street this Lexus RX 350 handles with confidence. The Lexus RX 350 s pristine good looks were combined with the Lexus high standard of excellence in order to make this a unique find. This vehicle has an added performance bonus AWD. It improves handling on those winding back roads and gives you added safety and control when driving through wet and snow weather conditions. Marked by excellent quality and features with unmistakable refined leather interior that added value and class to the Lexus RX 350 You can take the guesswork out of searching for your destination with this Lexus RX 350 s installed Navigation system. More information about the 2012 Lexus RX 350 The RX 350 and RX 450h are categorized as full-sized luxury SUVs and they carry the amenities and horsepower to back it up. The 450h features a hybrid drivetrain that can run on batteries alone for short distances to save fuel. The 350 does all right on its own achieving 18 mpg city and 25 mpg highway but the 450h really shines with 28 mpg city and 32 mpg highway. Interesting features of this model are Lexus-worthy quiet cabin plenty of room for people and cargo and Smooth ride 100% CARFAX Guaranteed And it seems this vehicle was owned by a non-smoker. This vehicle has undergone a rigorous multipoint inspection by our ASE Certified Technicians and we have verified that all maintenance is up-to-date. Ask for Stock P11946A



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