2013 MAZDA MIATA MX5 CLUB (Retractabal Hard Top)

This is the finest pre-owned 2013 Miata Club with retractible hard top you will ever see for sale. Kept stored winters in heated garage under a car cover. It has all the Club options including six speed automatic transmission and folding hard top. Crystal White Pearl black top and red stitching on black interior gorgeous It is perfect in every detail never smoked it etc etc. Not a mark on it in or out kept highly waxed and detailed from new. Only 22999 miles. Dealer just certified it warranty to 100 000 miles new tires fitted complete 100 point certified service done. If you are EXTREMELY fussy and want the best there is you ve just fount it. For those who know a bargain when he sees one new one is over 30 000 Call now for any other information. Delivery arranged anywhere for expenses. Not another one this nice on the planet Gerry Aquilano 315-789-3670 Geneva NY gerrya(at)linkny.com



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