seeking for true love and wonderful marriage

I Love nature long walks horse riding the beach just being in the woods or near the water. I want a best friend companion soul-mate and lover all rolled into one. I am drawn to men with warm eyes and nice smile intelligence confidence witty kind honest sincere loving understanding and are great communicators. i am single mother with one kid my husband died about 2years now. Seeking warm loving caring intelligent and soft spoken man who is willing to explore life together share feelings and thoughts grow and learn from each other inspire to be the best i am looking to find a loving man to spend the rest of my life with. Age location distance race religion and ethnicity are not barriers all that matters is sincere connection trust love and good understanding.I am hard working and getting well established in my line of Servic. I m Luis Santana I am willing to Put a lot of effort into building a serious relationships of all kinds with a honest and loving man. I hope to meet the man that brings me endless smiles. In the long run the end I believe we all simply need the greatest friend we could ever imagine. That is what really feeds longevity for a healthy relationship a content soul and true love. The person that will listen and be there no matter what. Someone you can tell anything without fear of judgement whether it s hopes dreams fears regret fantasies or desires...that someone that makes every sunset a little more colorful every sunrise a little more brighter every thunderstorm a little more intense and the stars twinkle a little more.



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