Home care nurses in Nagarbhavi

Sumukha Facilitators Pvt Ltd is one among the best premium health Care solution providers in India Since 2001. We understand the employees and employer perspective towards wellness & medical rooms at workplace and help organisation develops wellness programs that directly contribute to employ productivity which in turn enhances productivity of industry. Why workplace wellness & medical rooms is important and inevitable factor for organisational productivity Business success depends on healthy employees. Prevent occupational disease Make employees aware of healthy life style . The Process Sumukha Facilitators understand your requirement and then customize our services in a considerate and efficient manner. The process begins with the Request for Proposal . Once we receive the basic necessary information we plan the programs accordingly. While the process varies somewhat with each client we have established best practice planning and implementation processes that keep us on track toward remarkable results. The ImplementationSumukha Facilitators have created innovative medical room & wellness solutions that are now available to small and medium-sized companies. With implementation of the Company Nurse 24 7 Sumukha Facilitators can help you achieve your priority with a win-win approach to your workplace injuries. Medical decision at the point of injury is easy . Care for your employee s health Detect health problems early Reduce the complication and expenses related to it . Improve the economic performance of your company Quick easy cost-efficient way to immediately report workplace injuries Set-up is easy. Help Line 91 9900498222 080-22441963



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