2013 Ford Edge SEL

It doesn t get much better than this 2013 Ford Edge SEL which boasts backup sensor dual climate control hill start assist parking assistance traction control and braking assist. It comes with a 3.5 liter 6 Cylinder engine. Drive off in a gently used vehicle that only has one previous owner. This safe and reliable SUV AWD has a crash test rating of 4 out of 5 stars The exterior is blue. Interested Call today to take this vehicle for a spin Yarmon Ford is a family owned dealership and we are celebrating are 28th year in business. We strive on customer service and making you part of the family. We will always try and deliver a 110% percent experience. If you see something that isn t quit what you are looking for just let us know and we will be happy to help you search for it. We have been all over the USA finding the perfect vehicle for are customers.Let us earn your business today Thank you for considering us for your next car



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