Canon EOS Rebel Ti SLR 35mm film camera Canon EF 28-90mmfor stud

Canon EOS Rebel Ti SLR 35mm film camera - great student camera Great controls for doing black & white (b& w) photography. (has manual controls to separately adjust aperture and shutter manual focus capability plus variety of auto settings as well)Condition Excellent 1 of the last film cameras designed by Canon 2002Features autofocus(AF) interchangeable EOS EF AF lens built-in pop-up flashExposure modes Aperture priority Shutter priority metered Manual modes plus Program automatic shooting modes.What s included for 59...---Canon EOS Rebel Ti SLR (35mm film camera) includes camera strap---Canon 28-90mm EOS EF zoom AF lens with matching finish to camera---brief hands-on tutoring of how to operate the camera(I ve taught photography classes for several years)NOTE A FREE downloadable user operation manual guide is available on the internet.NOTE Canon EOS Rebel Ti uses 2 small CR2 batteries sold in a 2-pack at Wal-Mart...



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