Caregiver "Male"

I am a 45 year old male live- in Certified Caregiver. CPR AED certified and a member of the American Caregiver AssociationI and I specialize in Cognitive Active Ambulatory private non- medical long term permanent live-in home health for 55 Seniors. Many 55 are afraid of losing their independence and that is understandable. let me alleviate your concerns and fears and then remain in the surroundings you call home. I am driven by the harsh realities of a world that far to often forgets we need each other. It is this reality and an unfortunate devastation in April of 2012 that would pave the way for me to enter the caregiver field. Today I am able to combine my entrepreneurial spirit and my love for making a difference in people s lives into a meaningful career. For more information about my services please visit my website at s or Call 817-994-4723 no solicitation. Terry Pollard817-994-4723 Only potential clients need call absolutely no solicitation.



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