2015 Mustang GT Coupe Premium

By one owner 2015 GT Premium 6-Speed Manual Trans MT82 Exterior Magnetic Metallic (dark gray) Interior Ebony Leather (HVAC) Front Seats Ebony Leather Rear Seats. Special ordered in December of 2014 and vehicle arrived in March 2015. Approximately 21 000 miles (50 50 Highway City). Purchased an extended Factory warranty through Ford that extends through 3 06 2021 or 48 000 miles. Almost like new condition Exterior Interior. Always home washed waxed garaged. Never a mechanical problem and normal service work inspections done at Smith Ford Levelland. The car has only been driven by a mature driver that has never had to prove it is scary fast. Beautiful car that is fun to drive.Pictures of vehicle include a picture of the Moroni Window Sticker that shows all of the extra & optional equipment ordered including Shaker Pro Audio Sys W HD 12 Speaker System Enchansed Security System 3.55 Ratio Limited Slip Axle 20 Foundry Black Aluminum Wheels Reverse Park Assist Voice-Act Navigation System. Contact Ron Woods (806) 500-1461 (leave message) with questions and to see vehicle.



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