2013 Chevrolet Spark LS Auto

LS trim. EPA 37 MPG Hwy 28 MPG City Onboard Communications System iPod MP3 Input Alloy Wheels CarAndDriver.com s review says The diminutive Spark is the smallest car Chevy has ever offered in the U.S.. CLICK NOW KEY FEATURES INCLUDE iPod MP3 Input Onboard Communications System Aluminum Wheels Rear Spoiler Remote Trunk Release Electronic Stability Control Bucket Seats Brake Assist. EXPERTS ARE SAYING The diminutive Spark is the smallest car Chevy has ever offered in the U.S. -CarAndDriver.com. Great Gas Mileage 37 MPG Hwy. MORE ABOUT US The Vaden Peace of Mind Guarantee is the first of its kind in the Coastal Empire and Low Country. We are proud to announce this used car warranty as an outstanding benefit that is available on almost every pre-owned vehicle we sell at no additional cost to you Some vehicles may be at a different location. Please call ahead to verify it s availability. If the vehicle you are interested in is at a different location it will be brought in for you if still available. Advertised prices are subject to change price good for 24 hours only. Vehicle subject to prior sale. Fuel economy calculations based on original manufacturer data for trim engine configuration. Please confirm the accuracy of the included equipment by calling us prior to purchase.



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