ICU Registered Nurse

Bring home a lot of money in a short amount of time. Earn 5500-7800 a Month NET working guaranteed 3 shifts a week with an optional 4th shift. Brand new opening working ICU. If you are looking for a RN job in Michigan I have a great opportunity With GUARANTEED Shifts if you get called off you STILL get PAID Current Certifications BLS ACLS and RN license required. Can you work or float to any of these units ICU ER Tele M S L& D PICU NICU PEDS PACU OR OR TECH Day or Night shift available. Special Assignments on Indian Reservations - Any State RN license will work Contact me I will be happy to discuss the opportunity I have available. Take 2 minutes to fill out an express application s4tb Reply with your resume and contact info Wendell Inghram III Travel Placement Manager ReadyLink Healthcare 800-995-6955 ext. 5261



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