233009 Colorado Paradise on 160 acres

The PropertyTotal of 160 Acres Lost Creek flows through the north portion of the property 3 springs feed glacier lake. The lake is stocked with rainbow brown and cutbow trout which are fed a diet of natural shrimp.County Road 224 is maintained to the property 3 864 SFBarn 600 SF Hay Shed Two 1-bedroom 1-bath cabins. The HomeBuilt in 2001Total of 4 136 SF (2448 SF Main Level 1688 SF Walk-out Basement)4 Bedrooms2.5 Baths Heating System Selected source is a wood boiler with heat exchanger to radiant heating (Wood boiler has notifications for temperature reading low on wood door open etc. and is EPA rated which improves efficiency) If outside boiler should run out of wood there are 2 gas LP boilers (redundant) downstairs. If one fails the other goes into operation.7 ZonesAntifreeze in both systems1000 gallon butane tank Communication & Wiring Speakers wired in (in conduit) and zoned to different rooms as well as outsideCat5 and RG6 wiring to all rooms in conduit to change removeWiFi is currently 4 MBPS with Exceed Satellite can be upgradedThe house and the cabins have Direct TVAll power in conduitCabins are on separate transformers and metersBarn is on separate transformer and meter Generator 75 gallon diesel base tankCapable of running 3 days without refuelingWired into alarm systemCycles once per week with notification350 gallon storage for generator diesel in barn Alarm System (reports to central station) Temperature in house Alarm sounds if temperature is too lowPower outageWindows and Doors Alarm sounds if motion sensors detect motionBreakage of glassGated Entry is not part of alarm system but has its own hand-held alarm Exterior Rustic LogMetal Roof with ice and water shieldConcrete Foundation with ICF for insulationCovered Wood Decks550 SF attached garage carport Cabins Both cabins have 639 SF with 1 bedroom and 1 bathHot water baseboard heatingStucco exterior with metal roofConcrete foundationWell for cabins has a 1500 gallon cistern with variable speeds for constant pressureSeptic overbuilt for 4 cabins (2 tanks) Garage Heated and on separate zoneCarport has hot water heat with ability to melt snow and ice on driveway Is on its on zone Taxes 2014 Taxes 2 501 Zoning Agricultural Grazing - Agricultural MeadowCurrently has an agriculture lease which needs to be renewed in 2016 Future There is another well not registered up in the trees



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