California Driving Instructor - Compensation: about 17,500 yr

Position Open for California Driving is hiring positions for driving instructors in the California area. We are currently hiring for part time positions with the opportunity to become full time in the future. The job pays 17500 gross annually for part time employees. Qualifications and contact information for the job are as listed below.Job Qualifications1) Must be licensed CA driving instructor or be willing to be trained as one.2) Must be able to provide own instructors vehicle.3) Must be able to current insurance for vehicle and instructors insurance.4) Must be dual licensed.5) Must have basic computer skills and knowledge.6) Must be willing and able to cover assigned 20 mile area radius. We currently have many areas available all over California7) Must be able to promote online driving program in your assigned area.8) Part time position pays 17500 gross annuallyFor any further information or questionsContactMs. Kristin Mairhumaneresourcesdriveraide.com1-760-788-1866 or 1-858-560-0343



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