wood stove Vermont Castings Resolute Acclaim

For sale In stunning condition. A rare and original UL EPA approved Vermont Casting Resolute Acclaim 0041. Date code 1529 and SER. 6176. Manufactured on 6 27 89. A medium size HIGH QUALITY EFFICIENT wood stove made in Randolph Vt. USA This is a NON- catalytic all cast iron 400 Lbs highly sought after and collectable beauty. No issues. Extra-large single pyro-ceramic glass door provides a beautiful view of the fire and plenty of radiant heat Top and front loading features with the famous HD steel griddle for cooking steaming. All night automatic burn feature and standard 6 horizontal vertical flue collar. Everything about the stove is beautiful....perfect condition inside and out....ready to install. Approx. 28 H x 26 W x 25 D. Even includes a copy of the owner s manual a set of pricy optional side warmers mitten racks and a premium set of fire place tools All this at a must sell sacrificed price of 577.00 1 3 e-bay prices . Cannot text so call Paul.That s all



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