Property in Goa

Wild Flower County is mixture of beauty and leisure. It is a state of mind with breathtaking Environment. Lush green surrounding will rejuvenate your senses. This Portuguese inspired Environment will slow down your time to tranquil tempo. Wild Flower County offers elegant Tranquil and vibrant villas appointed with modern amenities. Wild Flower County is set amidst Sylvan surroundings and is sheltered by tall green groves. The boutique farm house plots in Goa come with a differentiated housing setup which is completely organic made out of bamboos old tree trunks containers living a top of a live tree with a bird s nest in the neighborhood a flying saucer or a mirrored exterior reflecting the forests on all four sides. Amour Wild Flower County offers residential plots in Goa. The plots are in multiples of 1000 square yards in size for only 16.5 lacs . Fore more Information Please Contact 91-8010070070 Email-ID wildflowercountyofficial(at) Website



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