Painters - Compensation: Hourly Rate $10-20

MAGELLON CORP. Is Looking for experienced reliable organized skilled painters. Responsible for general maintenance painting and finishing using a variety of painting and finishing techniques. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONSPrepares surfaces for painting.Selects premixed or mixed paints for appropriate color or applicability.Paints exterior and interior surfaces using brushes or rollers.Erects scaffolding for aboveground work.Prepares new drywall for finishing (tape and mud).Glazes windows.Selects and applies various types of wallpaperCreates specialty finishes.Performs other activities as necessary.Contributes to the effective team management of all problems issues and opportunities.Acts as a team player and provides expertise within team and with other teams as appropriate.MINIMUM REQUIREMENTSMinimum five years experience in residential commercial painting. Valid driver s license to commute to residential homes in Greenwich CT.Complete send completed resume with work experience telephone number where you can be reached and salary requirement via E-Mail at info



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