Need to store your boat and get it worked on? Or an RV? - Price:

All Secure Boat RV storage Located at 520 N. Quince St. suite 11 We offer 24 hour security access Fully fenced in yard with razor wire and security fence Full coverage cameras and HD recording Battery charging. They also let you clean your boat and wash it after you use it We will even set up your boat up the day before so you can just drive in and get it out easy. When you get in from a trip just drop it in the yard and we will put it away for you in the yard.... We also offer some minor maintenance done on your boat RV at very inexpensive prices. We have an onsite technician and a very experienced helpful mechanic ASC certified . Here are the storage prices To 12 100 per month To 25 125 per month To 35 150 per month Call for larger 760-443-9969



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