5 Quart Hobart Mixer - Price: 800.00

This Mixer has never been use or even taken out of the box. Regular retail price is 2 189.00 (Lowest Internet price) Call Grace (at) 702-588-4715 800.00 firm The Hobart N50 5-Quart Mixer doesn t stop running until you tell it to. Our smallest mixer measures up to our big standards. That s because quality and durability come standard regardless of which Hobart mixer you choose. The motor meets the requirements of the most demanding operations. The gear-driven transmission ensures consistent performance with its positive drive under heavy loads assuring you of minimum downtime. Easy to operate Ease of operation is critical in a mixer because complexity makes it virtually impossible to achieve the consistency of mix chefs need. The N50 has a three-speed transmission with the shift handle located right next to the purposely large On Off switch. The operator simply picks the speed the mix calls for and activates the On switch. The bowl is easily raised and lowered with the convenient hand lever. Durability comes standard Standard equipment on the N50 includes the stainless steel 5-quart bowl a B flat beater a D wire whip and E dough hook. All Hobart mixers are designed for long-term usage under heavy-duty conditions. The N50. It s a great way to get Hobart mixer performance at the size that s right for your kitchen.



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