2011 Toyota Tundra Grade - Price: $29,588

This 2011 Toyota Tundra 4dr Dbl 5.7L FFV V8 6-Spd AT 4x4 Truck features a I-FORCE 5.7L V8 DOHC FFV 8cyl Flex Fuel engine. It is equipped with a 6 Speed Automatic transmission. The vehicle is Pyrite Mica with a Graphite Cloth interior. It is offered with the remaining factory warranty. - One owner Certified Pre-Owned This Toyota is in Excellent overall exterior condition Excellent overall interior condition Cloth seats - Air Conditioning Tinted Windows Power Steering Power Windows Tow Package Tachometer Tilt Steering Wheel Keyless Entry Security System ABS Brakes Traction Control Dynamic Stability Intermittent Wipers AM-FM CD Player Alloy Wheels Cloth Interior Surface Four Wheel Drive Overhead Console - Contact City Toyota Sales a or for more information. -



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