Direct Sales Representative wanted!!! - Compensation: commission

RCH Cable is the nation s largest sales organization in the Cable TV industry. Our company currently operates in over 200 Cable TV markets across the US. Full time sales reps in the greater Los Angeles area have an opportunity to make 800- 1200 per week selling Digital Cable High-Speed Internet & Digital Phone services. Experienced sales reps can earn over SIX FIGURES. Part time reps are earning 300 - 500 or more depending on talent and working as few as 15 hours per week. A real job with flexible hours. 1 000 New Hire Performance Incentive for candidates with Sales experience No experience necessary Paid Training To schedule an interview or have any questions please call Robert - 855-RCH-CABLE or 855-724-2225 All applicants must have a vehicle w valid DL insurance and pass a background check and drug screening



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