2008 Nissan Pathfinder LE - Price: $18,990

Navigation Navi AWD 4x4 Power Heated Leather Seats Power Sunroof. North End Motors is pleased to be currently offering this 2008 Nissan Pathfinder LE with 60 757 miles. When your newly purchased Nissan from North End Motors comes with the CARFAX BuyBack Guarantee you know you re buying smart. The Nissan Pathfinder LE offers a fair amount of utility thanks to its advanced features and unique styling. It s also quite sporty and injects an ample amount of handling chutzpah into the ridin -high body of a family-friendly SUV. When Nissan created this Pathfinder LE with 4 wheel drive they immediately enhanced the performance ability. Easily switch between two and four wheel drive to take advantage of the improved steering and superior acceleration. The Pathfinder LE has been lightly driven and there is little to no wear and tear on this vehicle. The care taken on this gently used vehicle is reflective of the 60



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