Available for immediate occupancy is this Beautiful newel y renovated open concept 1Bedroom Apartment Home with private yard and large windows offering lots of natural light located in the well sort after Petworth Neighborhood. Make this home your home with all the Petworth neighborhood has to offer. Amenities include eat in kitchen new rest lighting throughout private washer dryer new granite counter top and kitchen cabinets 12 deep double sided stainless steel kitchen sink w pull out pot washer and separate soap dispenser beautiful tiled back-splash extra large fridge filtered water from kitchen faucets dish washer bedroom large enough to hold California king bed dresser chest and 2 nightstands (or two standard size beds with other pieces huge open area next to bedroom (can be used for an office or overnight sleeping area can hold twin size sleeper) energy efficient duel flush toilet for water conservation private rear patio for entertaining lots of closets space plenty of parking plus walking distance to green line metro. This is a private home and only one unit available so hurry don t miss out on this awesome opportunity to have it all Note I prefer to be contacted via email but will take phone calls during reasonable hours. Very safe neighborhood if you have any concerns please contact 4th District to obtain a crimes report for the area. CONTACT (202)494-7879 FOR QUICK RESPONSE



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