Moving Sale - 2 Twin Beds and Dresser with 6 drawers

Antique Console with two drawers 300Antique Brass and Marble Mantle Clock and two Candelabra Set brown and gold 500Antique French Grandfather Clock 500Antique Dale Tiffany Lamps set of 2 200Antique Pedestal Stands Set of 2 150Antique Dining Table (extendable) with claw foot legs and 4 chairs 1000Antique China Cabinet with Storage Drawers 700Antique Wood Glass Coffee Table with claw feet 500Antique Wood Glass Accent Stand or End Table with drawer 150Traditional Durable Sofa with pillows 2 Armchairs with pillows and 2 Ottomans 1200Kenmore Refrigerator with Freezer 200Antique Oil Painting 200Antique mirror 300Antique French Tapestry Painting with antique frame 2500Antique Oil Painting with Antique Frame 1000Antique Deer Oil Painting with frame 150Horse Wall Art set of 3 30Modern Style Twin Beds with mattresses set of 2 and 6-Drawer Dresser Set 400Floor Lamp with stand White 30Element TV HDTV Dolby with stand and remote control 100



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