The Henderson Farm - Price: $98,500.00

It s amazing what you can do with nearly three and a half acres. There is not only a home on it but a barn blueberry bushes scuppernong vineyard raised beds a small greenhouse (top got torn up in most recent storm but structure still solid) plus equipment for another larger greenhouse to be constructed. Built in 1998 this two bedroom one bath Is enhanced with solid oak cabinets and floors (yes they are solid oak) giving it that little bit of extra country look . It has a handicap ramp attached to decking around the home. It is all electric and equipped with CHA. There is city water along with a well which does have an enclosed building around it. There is great potential here and it is only about 7 miles to Talladega Speedway and only 45 minutes from Birmingham and an hour and a half from Atlanta. One more added feature is the almost 15 acre lake which we enjoy mostly in the late to early part of the year up until about July. Depending on the rainfall It dries up sometimes in the summer which can then be joyed for those of you who like 4 wheeling We really do enjoy both parts of this. It once was one of the best bass fishing lakes around. There are two more spring fed latkes in which this one is also spring fed.



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