Cost Accountant

Cost AccountantGrowing manufacturing facility in Stockton is seeking a motivated Cost Accountant to join their team. In the Cost Accountant role you will be responsible for monitoring unit cost variances implements cost standard for material and labor preparing cost of goods sold and production reports and related projects. Additional experience with government contract is preferred. If you want a challenging opportunity with a growing organization with advancement opportunities. The ideal Cost Accountant should have a BS degree in Accounting and 4 years of related accounting experience working within a manufacturing environment. Solid organizational communication problem solving and research skills are required. Advanced proficiency with Microsoft Excel and experience with a MRP system is preferred.Additional InformationLocation Stockton CAJob ID 00450-114613Experience Intermediate Audit Financial Intermediate Government Contracts Intermediate Financial Statement Preparation Intermediate Cost - Job Intermediate ExcelUnit AccountempsApply NowCompany



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