2010 Hyundai Accent GLS - Price: $9,990

Automatic Power Windows Power Locks Fuel Efficient. You can find this 2010 Hyundai Accent GLS and many others like it at North End Motors. With the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee this pre-owned vehicle comes with peace of mind standard. Outstanding fuel economy and sleek styling are two great reasons to consider this Hyundai Accent. Drive off North End Motors s lot in this superb 2010 Accent knowing the strength of Hyundai s factory warranty is standing behind you. More information about the 2010 Hyundai Accent Similar to the Rio from Hyundia s Kia group the Hyundai Accent is one of most affordable cars on the road with MSRP starting at 9 970 and bumping the top range at just 16 480. There is an impressive 92.2 total cubic feet of passenger room defying the cramped cabins common with small cars. Fuel economy is also impressive averaging 28 mpg in the city and 34 mph on the highway. Strengths of this model i



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