DVD - Ship of Gold - NEW - Price: $22.00

Histories Mysteries While returning from California in 1857 the steamship SS Central America vanished in a devastating storm off the North Carolina coast. 400 lives and nearly 21 tons of gold bullion were lost. 130 years later a daring team of high-tech treasure hunters found much of the precious cargo. SHIP OF GOLD tells the dramatic story with the help of extensive footage filmed during the recovery and fascinating interviews with the engineers historians and salvage experts who brought the treasures to the surface. We ll also explore the tragic story of the Central America s sinking the worst peacetime sea disaster in American history. Rare period documents and images along with the testimony of descendants of the unfortunate victims charts the course of the doomed ship from her harbor in Gold Rush California to her final resting place beneath the Atlantic waves. 1.33 1- 2009 - 50min.



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