2004 Starcraft Aurora 2000 20ft - Price: $3,250

2004 STARCRAFT AURORA 2000 DECK BOAT 20 ft. 140 SUZUKI 4 STROKE ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTOR The Aurora 2000 is unique among Starcraft models because everyone sits high rather than deep. The commanding view makes it easy to dock and to keep other boat traffic in check. Compliments to Starcraft for the stainless-steel bow rail which enhances forward safety without diminishing the boat s sleek lines. Like a traditional deck boat this 1 has a single console. The portside lounge area is more than 8ft long. All of this is bonded to a running surface that s been proven firm and fast. So it s an entry-level deck boat but a family fishing boat as well. HAS A BIMINI TOP BAIT WELL FRONT SINK LOTS OF UNDER SEAT STORAGE 7 CUP HOLDERS VHF RADIO MINOR SCATCHES ON OUTSIDE TRAILER SOLD SEPERATELY 2006 KARAVAN CLASSIC SINGLE AXEL...



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