1966 Mooney M20E - Price: $61,000

1966 M20E 2670-TT 1090 eng. Garmin 340 430 GPS 250XL GPS 320A txp. 900 S scope JPI700 S-TEC 30 w alt. hold tracks both GPSs. Avionics include GARMIN 340 430 GPS 250XL GPS 320A TXP 900 STORMSCOPE JPI700 STEC 30 w ALT HOLD TRACKS BOTH GPSs Other equipment include Gami Injectors Pulse Lamps Gap Seals Cowl Closure Shoulder Straps Tanis Heater Lightweight SkyTec Starter New Battery New Brakes Heated Pitot PTT (Pilot) Quick Drain Oil No known damage Fresh annual 2 10 Static test current All ADs c w View The Rest Of This Seller s Inventory www.specialtyauto.net (opens in new window)...



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