$1930 1 bedroom in Arlington - Price: 1930

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2292820. This rental is for a minimum of 12 months. A credit check is required.Rent 1 930Fees Application fee 75Common areaamenity rent 600 nonrefundableParking fee 100 first space 150 tandem space Storage fee 35- 100 monthPet fee 500 pet 50 monthApartment Features Ultra contemporary loft designs Studio 1- and 2-bedroom apartments 9 to18 foot ceilings Cork floors and exposed HVAC for a warehouse conversion look Chef-caliber stainless steel kitchens Frost-free refrigerators with icemakers Self-cleaning range Dishwasher Disposal Gas heat and hot water Full-sized washers and dryer Private balcony Enormous walk-in closets Luxurious appointments and finishes throughoutCommunity Features Pet-friendly Click Caf State-of-the-art fitness center Split-level cascading For more details .



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