2013 Dodge Dart SXT - Price: $19,900

Turbo 8 inch Touch Screen Rear View Camera Alloy Wheels Power Windows. You can find this 2013 Dodge Dart Rallye and many others like it at North End Motors. There are no guarantees in life except the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee you ll get when you purchase this pre-owned Dodge Dart from North End Motors. This well-maintained Dodge Dart Rallye comes complete with a CARFAX one-owner history report. This wonderfully fuel-efficient vehicle offers a supple ride quick acceleration and superior styling without sacrificing MPGs. Purchasing a vehicle is a big decision but North End Motors makes it a little easier by offering the manufacturer s warranty on this Dodge Dart. More information about the 2013 Dodge Dart The 2013 Dodge Dart is a compact car competing with the likes of the Ford Focus Toyota Corolla Hyundai Elantra and Honda Civic. Dart models start at just under 16 000 and top out at about 22 500 for the



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