Furnished Condo in Resort Style Complex in Phoenix Biltmore area

Large one bedroom furnished condo located in beautiful Mediterranean style gated resort complex in the Biltmore area of Phoenix. Well manicured grounds surrounded by palm trees 2 remodeled pools hydrotherapeutic spa areas and heat-resistant patios ramadas with water misters stainless steel grilling island with picnic tables and grilling stations as well as an on site putting green. State-of-the- art fitness centre with flat screen monitors and yoga room. Top level corner unit on third floor with private pool view has vaulted ceilings crown moulding stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops and designer floor tiles in kitchen and bathroom. Gated community is located within walking distance to shopping and restaurants 10 min. from airport downtown Phoenix and Scottsdale. Minimum rental Period is 3 Months 1 100 mo for one year (utilities extra) 1 500 mo 3-6 months (includes utilities) 600 security damage deposit required to reserve booking. 100 cleaning fee required. Small pets are welcome 20 lbs or less. Pet deposit 200.00. N S unit



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