2003 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB SLT RARE FIND SOLID 3S325341 - 9985 (Fair Haven VT)2003 RAM 1500 QUAD CABfuel gas title status clean transmission automaticRARE FIND SOLID 2003 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB SLT 2 WHEEL DRIVE Clean Inside and Out Black exterior Charcoal Gray Interior Cloth 5.7L HEMI Factory Tow Package Quad Cab Fog Lamps 5 Speed Automatic Transmission 3.92 Rear Axel Ratio Anti Spin Differential Sliding rear Window 17 Alloys Bed Liner . Original Window Sticker Books Key and More ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL We pride ourselves in consistently exceeding our customer s expectations. Please don t hesitate to give us a call Our knowledgeable sales staff is available to answer any questions that you might have. They ll work with you to find the right vehicle at a price you can afford. We are here to help you. AD CREATED BY AUTOMOTIVE ENHANCEMENT Web Site www.fairhavenmotors.com PHONE (802) 265-9994 At Will s Fair Haven Motors located in Fair Haven VT we want to provide you with the best automotive experience possible. From researching the vehicle you want to test driving your options we re here to help with our knowledgeable sales staff and impressive selection of cars trucks and SUVs. Let us help you find the perfect vehicle We have been serving Fair Haven and the Greater Rutland Area For OVER 20 Years Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Interested parties should confirm all data before relying on it to make a purchase decision. All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Prices may not include additional fees such as government fees and taxes title and registration fees finance charges dealer document preparation fees processing fees and emission testing and compliance charges.



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