Nellie - Female ChihuahuaShih Tzu Mix

Hi Ya all my name is Nellie I am approximately 6 months old Shih Tzu terrier mix. If you think my face is cute just wait until you get to know my personality. My foster mom calls me nosy Nellie I like being with her and I have to know what is going on all the time. She is always getting a laugh out of me because of this. I LOVE kids and other dogs. Oh how I would love to have my own kids to play me. I also enjoy watching a good movie at the end of a long day and snuggling in your lap. My foster families dogs can t help but love me too because we run the yard and play play play. If you are looking for a lazy dog that is not really me. I have lots of energy (I am a puppy) I would love walks and play time in the back yard. My foster mom thinks a fenced in back yard where I can run and play fetch this would be most ideal. I agree with her. I am doing pretty good at going potty outside. I have the occasional accident but if you are patient with me show me the ropes to get on your schedule I will be good to go in no time. My foster family do crate me while they are gone. The first couple times I let them know I was not happy about that but I feel more comfortable and its a safe space now. If you are looking for a sweet girl to join your family that is a lot of fun and has a lot of love to give... I am the girl for you. Come meet me Nellie is up to date on all shots heart worm negative on heart worm preventative microchiped de-wormed and spayed. Nellie s adoption fee is 300.00. WE DO NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS. Out of state adopters are responsible for arranging transport WE DO NOT SHIP DOGS. For events calendar and adoption application please go to our website at More Info



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