Home moving and Packing Services

Home moving and packing services JP Moving & Storage Corp. Offers you a full line of home moving and home packing services. Our goal is to exceed your expectations by customizing our moving services to your specific needs. We move apartments condominiums homes and everything in between from very small to very large. Whether you need help moving furniture from one room to another or you re moving down the road or across town our local moving services provide you with Professional trained and uniformed movers Full-time employees with benefits (no day labor) to ensure that your movers are professionally trained and dedicated to moving your belongings safely from one location to the next Fully licensed insured and bonded service No hidden fees or charges Packing and unpacking services Reasonably priced moving boxes and packing supplies Clean trucks with proper moving pads and equipment Friendly and courteous staff Scheduling for your convenience Respectful of rules within housing communities Willingness to make stops along the way to pick up items Let us create a stress-free home moving experience for you Contact US Cell 917)601-1897 Email Jpmoving12(at)yahoo.com www.jpmovingu.com



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