2010 Ford Ranger XLT SuperCab

Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 5 31 19 - To view auction details go to www.govdeals.com and Search For 8417-410. Click the QAL box and then hit search.These auctions are open to the public and to registered bidders. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the property prior to placing a bid inspections are by appointment only. GovDeals.com is the online auction platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION. You are viewing a 2010 Ford Ranger XLT SuperCab 4-Door 4WD 4-DR PICKUP 4.0L V6. Vehicle is in working condition and can be driven off the lot once winning bidder pays for the vehicle. Payment will be by cashier s check certified check only for the exact amount. Buyer will pay the taxes when they register the vehicle. We ve attached a PDF of window sticker maintenance records and inspection of vehicle before it was delivered to us for sale. There are 4 ignition keys and 2 remotes included in this sale. You are bidding on this AS IS .Description of vehicle Scratches and scuffs on all sides of vehicle. Stains on seats floor and ceiling small hole in seat and mat. Scratches scuffs and paint chips on hood. Scratches and scuffs on both bumpers paint bubbling and rust on back bumper. Scratches and scuffs on all doors and mirrors. Rust on the bottom of all doors. Scratches scuffs and small dents in truck bed. tailgate has large dent in it. Wear on steering wheel.



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